
Production of N, N-dimethylaniline in Tricyclic Chemical Industry
classification:Huanbo New Materials Dagang Factory Area release time:2018-08-22 22:54:57 author: source:
The company completed the construction of the N, N-dimethylaniline production unit in less than two years and officially put it into operation in 2008, with an annual production capacity of 20000 tons/year. After the product was launched on the market, its quality was widely recognized in the market.

The company completed the construction of the N, N-dimethylaniline production unit in less than two years and officially put it into operation in 2008, with an annual production capacity of 20000 tons/year. After the product was launched on the market, its quality was widely recognized in the market.

In recent years, the company has actively responded to national environmental policies, increased investment in environmental protection, established an environmental odor absorption system, and achieved good results in odor control.


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