
Weiduo Technology - Sweet Sugarcane Production
classification:Huanbo New Materials Dagang Factory Area release time:2018-08-28 22:51:38 author: source:
Weiduo Company adheres to the business philosophy of "seeking development through technology, market-oriented, survival through quality, and efficiency through management", providing high-quality products and satisfactory services to domestic and foreign customers.

Weiduo Company adheres to the business philosophy of "seeking development through technology, market-oriented, survival through quality, and efficiency through management", providing high-quality products and satisfactory services to domestic and foreign customers.

The company has a sodium cyclamate production line with an annual output of 10000 tons and an Ansai honey production line with an annual output of 6000 tons. The product is white and crystalline powder with high sweetness. Using it instead of sucrose in food and drinks can reduce the calorie content, which is more suitable for diabetics, without increasing the burden of insulin and blood sugar content of patients. We are a professional manufacturer of food additives such as sodium cyclamate and AK sugar (Acesulfame), targeting both domestic and international markets.

股票| 农安县| 广宗县| 阳春市| 涟水县| 宜春市| 南通市| 略阳县| 宝应县| 民勤县| 象山县| 淅川县| 东光县| 石嘴山市| 灵石县| 河津市| 贵州省| 分宜县| 张家港市| 长泰县| 五指山市| 建阳市| 砀山县| 年辖:市辖区| 丁青县| 颍上县| 自贡市| 汉川市| 招远市| 逊克县| 石首市| 洪江市| 盐亭县| 沈丘县| 原平市| 万源市| 绥芬河市| 海门市| 灵宝市| 鄂尔多斯市| 松原市|