
Second Information Disclosure of Environmental Impact Assessment for Reactive Dye Production Projects
Classification:Company News Release time:2021-12-20 08:55:00

Production project of new reactive liquid dyes, high fixation rate, and high color fastness leather reactive dyes

Second Information Publicity of Environmental Impact Assessment

Release date: December 20, 2021

The preparation of the environmental impact report for the production project of new reactive liquid dyes, high fixation rate, and high color fastness leather reactive dyes has entered its final stage. The environmental impact assessment, analysis of pollution prevention measures, and evaluation conclusions have been basically completed. According to the relevant provisions of the "Measures for Public Participation in Environmental Impact Assessment" (Order No. 4 of the Ministry of Ecology and Environment) and the "Notice on the Issuance of the" Information Disclosure Mechanism Plan for Construction Project Environmental Impact Assessment "(HF [2015] No. 162), the" Environmental Impact Report on the Production Project of New Reactive Liquid Dyes, High Fixation Rate, and High Color Fastness Leather Reactive Dyes "is now open for public supervision. The basic information of the project is as follows:

1. Project Name: Production Project of Novel Reactive Liquid Dyes, High Fixation Rate, and High Color Fastness Leather Reactive Dyes

2. Construction unit: Tianjin Sanhuan Chemical Co., Ltd

3. Construction location: No. 67 Gangshi Street, Dagang Street, Binhai New Area, Tianjin

4. Project Overview: Tianjin Sanhuan Chemical Co., Ltd. has optimized and adjusted some production equipment and processes in the existing dye workshop to ensure stable quality of dye products, after receiving relevant assets such as the dye workshop, N, N-dimethylaniline production workshop, sewage treatment station, and departmental auxiliary buildings allocated by Tianjin Huanbo New Materials Co., Ltd, Reduce the production capacity of the existing dye workshop from 10000 tons/year (powder based) to 9000 tons/year (powder based), and adjust the treatment method and destination of waste gas from the existing product packaging process; At the same time, a new production line of new reactive liquid dyes, high fixation rate and high color fastness leather reactive dyes will be added in the idle area of the existing dye workshop, which mainly includes processes such as pulping, adjustment, condensation, secondary condensation, hydrolysis, membrane filtration, blending, spray drying, etc. The design annual increase of new reactive and acid dye products is 320 tons (in powder terms), including 80 tons of nylon reactive dyes, 120 tons of wool reactive dyes, 60 tons of acid red dyes 60 tons of acidic blue dye. After the completion of this project, the production capacity of the entire factory's dye products is 9320 tons/year (calculated as powder), including 9000 tons/year of existing dye products and 320 tons/year of new active and acidic dye products.

5. Main Environmental Impact and Environmental Protection Measures of the Project

(1) Impact on ambient air

During the operation period, the particulates generated during the spray drying process in the dye production process are collected through the pipeline and sent to the bag type dust collector for treatment, and then discharged through a 40m high exhaust funnel DA003 after being discharged into the existing alkali liquor spray treatment. The tank breathing waste gas is collected through the pipeline and sent to the alkali liquor spray device for treatment, and then discharged through a 15m high exhaust funnel DA006, The waste gas from the condensation and mixing processes is collected through pipelines and treated by a newly built secondary alkali spray facility. The particulate matter generated during the product packaging process is then treated by a bag filter and discharged into a 35m high DA005. After this technical transformation, the emission source intensity of DA006 exhaust gas will not be changed. The particulate matter, hydrogen chloride concentration, and emission rate of DA003 and DA007 meet the "Comprehensive Emission Standard for Air Pollutants" (GB16297-1996), and can achieve standard emissions. The current laboratory waste gas mainly consists of non methane total hydrocarbons and TRVOC generated by the volatilization of a small amount of chemical reagents such as acetic acid and ethanol used in the laboratory, which are combined with the waste gas from the coupling chromium reaction and the sampling waste gas from the coupling chromium reaction. After being treated in the 7 # and 8 # alkali spray towers, they are discharged by DA004. According to the monitoring results of the current situation, the non methane total hydrocarbons and TRVOC emitted by DA004 meet the requirements of the "Emission Control Standard for Volatile Organic Compounds in Industrial Enterprises" (DB12/524-2020), Can achieve standard emissions.

(2) Impact on water environment

This project adds 5.76m3/d of ground flushing water and 4m3/d of alkali spraying wastewater. Relying on the existing sewage treatment station in the factory, it is expected that the treated wastewater can meet the discharge standards.

(3) Impact on the acoustic environment

The main noise sources of this project are reaction tanks, filter presses, pumps, etc. Measures such as selecting low noise equipment, factory sound insulation, and foundation vibration reduction are taken to reasonably arrange the location of the noise sources. After noise reduction and distance attenuation, it is predicted that the noise superposition value of each factory boundary can meet the requirements of the "Industrial Enterprise Boundary Environmental Noise Emission Standard" (GB12348-2008), and the impact on the surrounding environment is relatively small.

(4) The impact of solid waste on the environment

The solid waste generated by this project mainly consists of waste packaging materials and waste cloth bags. Waste cloth bags are treated as general industrial waste by general industrial solid waste units, while waste packaging materials are classified as hazardous waste and handed over to qualified units for hazardous waste disposal. The dyeing experimental fabric samples generated in the existing dye workshop laboratory belong to general solid waste and are handed over to general industrial solid waste units for treatment. The laboratory waste liquid is treated as hazardous waste and handed over to qualified units for disposal. On the basis of clear disposal directions for various types of solid waste, it will not cause secondary pollution.

(5) Environmental Risk Analysis

The newly added dye production line of this project involves the use of 30% hydrochloric acid as a hazardous substance. The existing hazardous substances in the factory area mainly include aniline, sulfuric acid, methanol, etc. The existing environmental risk assessment level in the factory area is Level 1. After the construction of this project, the risk units in the factory have not changed, and the types of environmental risk substances have not increased. The risk units involved in this project mainly include the production unit area and hydrochloric acid storage tank area. After the completion of this project, the possibility of hydrochloric acid leakage from the hydrochloric acid storage tank and dye workshop production units has increased, but the consequences of the accident have not increased. On the premise of strictly implementing the safety protection and accident prevention measures proposed in this evaluation, the construction unit can prevent and control the environmental risks of the project.

6. Preliminary Conclusion of the Environmental Impact Assessment Report

The construction of this project meets the requirements of national and Tianjin industrial policies, and the construction land is industrial land. The planned site selection conforms to the overall planning and land use planning of Dagang Petrochemical Industrial Park. The waste gas and wastewater pollutants generated after the implementation of this project can be discharged up to standard after being treated with corresponding environmental protection measures. The factory boundary noise can be discharged up to standard, and the disposal direction of solid waste is reasonable. Key anti-seepage measures are taken for production workshops, tank farms, wastewater treatment stations, and other areas. Permanent monitoring wells for groundwater are set up, and necessary accident prevention and emergency measures are taken to address potential environmental risks, It is not expected to have a significant adverse impact on the environment. In summary, under the implementation of various environmental protection measures proposed in this report, the construction of this project is environmentally feasible.

7. Main matters for soliciting public opinion

The main matters include whether you recognize the construction of this project, the impact on the surrounding environment and your work and life after the completion of this project; Your opinions and suggestions on the environmental protection work of this project.

8. Main ways for the public to provide opinions

The public can access the full text through online links( http://www.lheia.com )Download and view the electronic version of the report or contact the construction unit and environmental impact assessment unit to review the paper report, and submit relevant opinions to the construction unit or environmental impact assessment unit through letters, faxes, emails, etc.

9. Construction unit and contact information

Unit Name: Tianjin Sanhuan Chemical Co., Ltd

Address: No. 67 Gangshi Street, Dagang Street, Binhai New Area, Tianjin

Contact person: Zhao Gong

Contact number: 022-63233205

10. Environmental impact assessment unit and contact information

Environmental assessment unit: United Taize Environmental Technology Development Co., Ltd

Contact person: Zhu Gong

Contact address: Room 504, No. 80 Qufu Road, Xiaobailou Street, Heping District, Tianjin

Contact number: 022-58356917

11. Starting and ending times for public opinions

December 20, 2021 to December 31, 2021 (within 10 working days)

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