
The first online announcement of the second phase of high-purity chemical (electronic grade chemical) production project
Classification:Company News Release time:2022-11-15 09:37:45

Phase II Project of High Purity Chemicals (Electronic Grade Chemicals) Production of Jinhuanbo New Materials Co., Ltd

First online publicity

Release date: November 15, 2022

1、 Name and Overview of Construction Project

Project Name: Tianjin Huanbo New Materials Co., Ltd. High Purity Chemicals (Electronic Grade Chemicals) Production Phase II Project

Construction unit: Tianjin Huanbo New Materials Co., Ltd

Construction nature: renovation

Construction location: Within the existing factory area of Tianjin Huanbo New Materials Co., Ltd., No. 67 Gangshi Street, Dagang Petrochemical Industrial Park, Tianjin

Construction Content: Tianjin Huanbo New Materials Co., Ltd. plans to invest 100 million yuan in the construction of the "Tianjin Huanbo New Materials Co., Ltd. High Purity Chemical (Electronic Grade Chemical) Production Phase II Project". The main construction content is to rely on the existing sulfuric acid production unit area, SO3 greenhouse, and electronic grade sulfuric acid workshop, add an electronic grade sulfuric acid production line, and support the construction of factory pipelines and finished product storage tanks, By utilizing the primary conversion flue gas produced by the existing annual production line of 200000 tons of sulfur based sulfuric acid, the existing product structure can be adjusted by adjusting some of the flue gas used in the existing industrial acid production line to the electronic grade sulfuric acid production line of this project. After the completion of this project, the existing industrial sulfuric acid (98% industrial grade) production has decreased by 29400 tons/a, and a new high-purity sulfuric acid (electronic grade sulfuric acid) has been added by 30000 tons/year. Among them, the annual production of E3 grade and above electronic grade sulfuric acid is 27500 tons/year, 96.5% E4 grade electronic grade sulfuric acid is 100000 tons/year, and 96.5% E5 grade electronic grade sulfuric acid is 1500 tons/year.

2、 Name and contact information of the construction unit

Construction unit: Tianjin Huanbo New Materials Co., Ltd

Contact person: Shang Gong

Tel: 022-63233205

Email: bodaliusuan@163.com

3、 Preparation unit of environmental impact assessment report

Prepared by: Tianjin Xinguohuan Environmental Protection Technology Co., Ltd

4、 Download link for public opinion form

Please refer to the attachment for the download of the public opinion form

5、 Ways and means of submitting public opinion forms

In order to understand and listen to the opinions and suggestions of people from all walks of life and the general public around the project, reflect the public's wishes in the environmental protection management measures of the project, and improve the environmental impact assessment work, you can download the public opinion form through the link provided in Article 4, and submit it to the construction unit through letter, fax, or email (see Article 2 for the contact address), You can also make a phone call or make an appointment for a door-to-door conversation (questions unrelated to environmental protection are not accepted).

6、 Starting and ending dates for public opinions

During the preparation process of soliciting opinions on the environmental impact report, the public can provide opinions related to environmental impact assessment to the construction unit.

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