
The First Information Publicity of Environmental Impact Assessment for Reactive Dye Production Projects
Classification:Company News Release time:2021-09-20 08:53:55

Production project of new reactive liquid dyes, high fixation rate, and high color fastness leather reactive dyes

The first information disclosure of environmental impact assessment

Release date: September 20, 2021

According to the relevant provisions of the "Measures for Public Participation in Environmental Impact Assessment" (Order No. 4 of the Ministry of Ecology and Environment) and the "Notice on the Issuance of the" Information Disclosure Mechanism Plan for Construction Project Environmental Impact Assessment "(HF [2015] No. 162), the" Environmental Impact Report on the Production Project of New Reactive Liquid Dyes, High Fixation Rate, and High Color Fastness Leather Reactive Dyes "is now open for public supervision. The basic information of the project is as follows:

1. Project Name: Production Project of Novel Reactive Liquid Dyes, High Fixation Rate, and High Color Fastness Leather Reactive Dyes

2. Construction unit: Tianjin Sanhuan Chemical Co., Ltd

3. Construction location: No. 67 Gangshi Street, Dagang Street, Binhai New Area, Tianjin

4. Project Overview: Tianjin Sanhuan Chemical Co., Ltd. has optimized and adjusted some production equipment and processes in the existing dye workshop to ensure stable quality of dye products, after receiving relevant assets such as the dye workshop, N, N-dimethylaniline production workshop, sewage treatment station, and departmental auxiliary buildings allocated by Tianjin Huanbo New Materials Co., Ltd, Reduce the production capacity of the existing dye workshop from 10000 tons/year (powder based) to 9000 tons/year (powder based), and adjust the treatment method and destination of waste gas from the existing product packaging process; At the same time, a new production line of new reactive liquid dyes, high fixation rate and high color fastness leather reactive dyes will be added in the idle area of the existing dye workshop, which mainly includes processes such as pulping, adjustment, condensation, secondary condensation, hydrolysis, membrane filtration, blending, spray drying, etc. The design annual increase of new reactive and acid dye products is 320 tons (in powder terms), including 80 tons of nylon reactive dyes, 120 tons of wool reactive dyes, 60 tons of acid red dyes 60 tons of acidic blue dye. After the completion of this project, the production capacity of the entire factory's dye products is 9320 tons/year (calculated as powder), including 9000 tons/year of existing dye products and 320 tons/year of new active and acidic dye products. This project is planned to commence construction in December 2022 and be completed and put into operation in January 2023.

According to the relevant provisions of the "Regulations on the Administration of Environmental Protection for Construction Projects" (State Council Order [2017] No. 682) and the "Environmental Impact Assessment Law of the People's Republic of China", this project needs to undergo an environmental impact assessment. According to the "Classification and Management Catalogue for Environmental Impact Assessment of Construction Projects (2021 Edition)" (Order No. 16 of the Ministry of Ecology and Environment), this project belongs to "23. Chemical Raw Material and Chemical Product Manufacturing Industry 26-44, Specialized Chemical Product Manufacturing 266;" in "all (including research and development pilot; excluding pure physical separation, physical purification, mixing, and packaging)", and an environmental impact report should be prepared.

5. Construction unit and contact information

Unit Name: Tianjin Sanhuan Chemical Co., Ltd

Address: No. 67 Gangshi Street, Dagang Street, Binhai New Area, Tianjin

Contact person: Zhao Gong

Contact number: 022-63233205

6. Environmental impact assessment unit and contact information

Environmental assessment unit: United Taize Environmental Technology Development Co., Ltd

Contact person: Zhu Gong

Contact address: Room 504, No. 80 Qufu Road, Xiaobailou Street, Heping District, Tianjin

Contact number: 022-58356917

Scope of disclosure: The public who may be affected by the construction project

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